From promoting the GC Industrial Park to promoting local watermelons at the Farmers Market, this office is involved with projects of all sizes.
- Earning two "Project Ready Certification" for the GC Industrial Park
- Spear heading the largest utility (water, electric, roads) upgrades in 30 years the Industrial Park
- Applied and approved to receive more than $5 Million in Federal, State, and Local grants
- The development of a state-of-the-art wood pellet mill in the County’s Industrial Park
- Working with County Supervisors and State Legislators to fight and save George County’s Community Workforce Center, which provide $3 Million a year in labor
- Expanding and promoting the Lucedale’s Farmers Market to give local farmers and producers another venue to sell their products. Remember, "Buy Local, Buy George."
- Expanding and promoting the Pascagoula River Fun Day in the Fall to encourage residents and visitors "to come to the river."
Good communication with residents, community leaders, and news media is also a major focus for this department. Here are a few ways we reach:
- This website, launched in 2014, is the County’s first official website
- News Release, check out the “What’s New” section for the latest
- Public presentations for community groups and at Board meetings such as:
- Annual Public Budget Hearing
- Industrial Park Update